Transitioning - Being Discipled to Discipling Others
“Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which The Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God which He bought with His own blood.... Now I commit you to God and to the Word of His grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”
- Acts 20:28 + 32
What an exciting challenge lies before you! You have been chosen, since the foundation of the earth, for this very time and season. God not only sees you — He now entrusts you with the sacred role of shepherd. You are offered the privilege of walking with others with your eyes opened to their God-given capacity. God calls you to encourage, teach, feed and lead them into greater devotion to their Living Lord! You are invited to be an agent of God’s goodness and grace to all that He brings into your life, from this day forward.
In order to live out this high calling, I pray that you will surrender yourself to God’s loving provisions each day. He is THE GREAT SHEPHERD of all, and He holds the wisdom, love, power, care and courage that is needed to live an abundant life. These gifts are for you and for those you will be blessed to shepherd.
Open yourself to the many resources that God has already given you. Remember that His Word is alive. Faithfully bring the Word into your heart and mind. Be strengthened by prayer that is both listening and speaking. As your ability to communicate with God deepens, peace that He has already given will become accessible to you and to those you shepherd. Cling to God’s Bride – The Church. Submit your- self to the life and ministries of a local church. You will be strength- ened, your faithfulness will be an inspiration to your sheep, and God will be glorified.
Let divine joy, peace, and kindness fill your being. You are now walking in the footsteps of Jesus, our ever-present Shepherd. May His favor rest on you as you shepherd faithfully those He entrusts into your care.
Dr. Judy Crossman has been an academic dean, a pastor, and a professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling; a licensed clinical counselor and a trained spiritual director, she has retired from full-time ministry and now splits her time between Marion, Indiana and Englewood, Florida with her husband, Rod.